Publication Policy
Transvestia is composed primarily of material submitted by its readers. Fiction, articles, histories, true experiences, letters, poems, pictures all are welcome. The greater the variety of material the more interesting the magazine will be for all. It is published for the enjoyment of all heterosexual cross-dressers and as your magazine, your support is needed. Material is solicited on the following basis:
1. All contributions resulting in five or more printed pages will be entitled to one free copy of the magazine whether that issue or any other. Such free copies will become payable upon publishing the material, not upon submission. There is no way to getermine in advance which issue a particular piece will appear in, so please do not ask for a free copy of the issue in which your contribution will ap- pear. After it has appeared you will be sent a credit slip for any issue.
2. The editor must reserve the right to cut or edit submitted material for suit- ability and the free issue payment will be based on the final printed page. Shorter material will simply be accepted as your contribution to the interest and enjoy- ment of all readers.
3. Submitted material will not be returned unless requested and stamped en- velope provided.
4. Off-color material will not be printed and should therefore not be sub- mitted. The editor reserves the right to be the sole judge of suitability and to edit, alter, delete or refuse material when it is deemed in the best interest of the maga- zine to do so.
The Society for the Second Self
This is our social organization. Application for membership in the Society (more informally known as Tri Sigma Sorority) may be made after fulfilling either of two prerequisites: a) having purchased from Chevalier Publications and read any five issues of Transvestia or b) purchasing and reading a copy of a special book- let about the Society obtainable from the Society at the address below. Accept- ance into the Society is dependent upon approval of the application payment of dues and submission of an information form for use in making your entry in the Directory of Members of Tri Sigma Sorority. Admission into local groups generally requires an interview by some member of that group. Five or more members may form a group and request designation as a chapter.
Mail Forwarding Service
A correspondence forwarding service is maintained for members of Tri Sigma so that it is possible to make contact with other members near or at a distance. Con- tact is made by the use of code numbers assigned to members and personal se- curity is thus maintained.
Ads for goods and services are accepted for publication in this magazine where they are appropriate. Ask for rates.
Box 36091, Los Angeles, California 90036